
This section will go over the navigation methods possible with the quadcopter.

Table of contents
  1. Navigation with move_base

These instructions work with both ROS Kinetic and Melodic.

Make sure use_ground_truth_for_tf is set to true in the quadcopter_gazebo/quadcopter.launch file.

In Terminal Tab 1:

# Runs the Gazebo world
roslaunch quadcopter_gazebo quadcopter.launch

In Terminal Tab 2:

# Runs the code for hovering the drone
roslaunch quadcopter_takeoff_land quadcopter_takeoff_land.launch

In Terminal Tab 3:

# Runs the rviz visualization tool and allows 2D nav goal for navigation in Rviz
roslaunch quadcopter_navigation quadcopter_move_base.launch

Specify a 2D navigation goal in Rviz.

After navigating to the desired goal, land the drone in Terminal Tab 4:

# Lands the drone
rostopic pub /quadcopter_land -r 5 std_msgs/Empty "{}"

Now, you can close all terminal tabs with CTRL-C.