
This section will go over the results achieved so far.

This image shows the quadcopter used, which has a Hokuyo 2D LiDAR and monocular camera:

The Drone

This image shows the simple indoor environment built for the project:

The environment

This image shows a snapshot of the mapping process using GMapping and teleop:

The mapping process

This image shows the resulting map created of the simple indoor environment:

The map

This image shows the drone navigating to the goal:

2D Goal

These images show the complex indoor school environment built for the project:

The complex env

The complex env

This image shows a snapshot of the mapping process using GMapping and teleop:

complex env mapping process with gmapping & teleop

This image shows the resulting map created of the complex indoor environment using GMapping and teleop:

The complex env map with gmapping & teleop

This image shows the resulting map created of the complex indoor environment using GMapping and frontier exploration:

The complex env map with gmapping & frontier exp

This image shows the resulting map created of the complex indoor environment using Google Cartographer and teleop:

The complex env map with cartographer & teleop